19 May, 2006

Use web material wisely
and secure permission
to duplicate their images
within your PowerPoint projects.
Starred sites are crucial.
Click on the links to go to the sites:
Greek Theater Resource
*Global Glossary-Hear Pronunciations
*Timeline of Greek History
***The Big Questions Answered
Chronology of Greek Myths, and the like
Attributes / Motifs in Iconography
The Glory That Was Greece
Study Guide for Homer's Odyssey
Bibliomania Drama Study Guide
Internet Movie Database
The Comic City --Lysistrata
Herodotus, Black Athena,etc
Greek and other Costume
Greek Costume Through the Ages
Construction of Greek Theaters
Maps of Ancient Greece
*Timeline of Greek Maps and Plays
History of Fashion and Dress
*Greek Civilization
*Aristophanes and Greek Old Comedy
*Chronological Overview of Greek and Roman Periods
Images of the Olympian Gods
Greek Stagecraft
Aerial Image of Theater at Epidaurus
Aerial View of Athens and Acropolis
*Superb Map of Ancient Greece
*More Maps of the Greek World
Even More Maps
* PBS--The Crucible of Civilization (click site map to
search list of specific materials. Look at pages under
heading Greek Culture such as homosexuality, women and
marriage, oracle at Delphi):
Tree Diagram of Principal Gods
National Archaeological Museum of Athens
Acropolis Museum
Digital Images of Theater of Dionysus
The Greek Alphabet
Winged Sandals Interactive Site
The Role of Women in the Art of Ancient Greece
Write Your Name in the Greek Alphabet
Women, Children and Men in Classical Greece
Greek Tragedy
(Calitri's photos~ 1 & 2: Pergamum, Turkey; 3: Tindari, Sicily; 4:
Orange, France;
5: Delphi, Greece)