02 October, 2006

Jim Crow and Little Rock, Arkansas’s Central High School Integration and the Road to Civil Rights

Brown v. The Board of Education

Thurgood Marshall
Brown vs. Board of Education
Supreme Court-Brown vs Board of Ed
Explanation of Brown v. Board case
Civil Rights and Brown v. Board of Education
Overview of the case
Brown v. Board of Education, Topeka, KS
Full text of the Brown decision
Brown v. Board of Education summary
Brown v. Board of Education--Myths v. Truths
Brown v. Board of Education--Chronology of Historical Milestones
Rethinking Schools-50 years later
Deconstructing the Brown Myth
The Strange History of School Desegregation
Brown vs. Bush—No Child Left Behind?
Little Rock High School:
National Parks--Little Rock High
View the interior and read the history of the building
Clinton Signs Bill Making CHS a National Historic Site
The Little Rock Nine:
The Nine Honor Students
Background readings on The Nine:
Little Rock High School Newspaper Site
Central High School Integration Timeline
Historical Timeline of the Desegregation
Historic Front Pages-The Arkansas Democrat & Arkansas Gazette
About.com pages on Little Rock High School
A member of The Nine talks About Racism
The Federal and State Response
In Their Own Words: Listen
Melba teaching at Central High School
Thinkquest’s Site on the Little Rock Nine
Library of Congress Photos
The Little Rock Nine Members
Daisy Bates
Eisenhower Library Documents: Daisy Bates
They Just Wanted an Education
Integrating Central High School: An Exercise
The 40 year Reunion
The 50th Reunion (with profiles of the Nine)
Hate Crimes:
Hate Crimes
Scan bottom of this page for materials on lynching
NAACP w/ photos of Thurgood Marshall and The Nine
The White Response:
With essays by white students—one from the violent mob
The Tiger—Central High Newspaper Articles on the events
General Sites on Civil Rights Events:
National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis at The Lorraine Motel
Civil Rights Movement Timeline
Another timeline
And Another
Historic Places of the Civil Rights Movement
Civil Rights Documents from the Eisenhower Library
Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott:
Rosa Parks.org
Brief Biography
Another biography
Bus boycott
Overview and discussion
Rosa Parks Museum
Rosa Parks’ Life
National Archives-copies of Rosa Parks’ arrest records:

Dr. Martin Luther King:

Stanford /King Chronology
Stanford’s interactive biography
Dr. King’s biography
Dr. King’s Assassination
Selma to Montgomery
Civil Rights Movement’s HeroesTransition to Civil Rights

All photos by R. Calitri